The blog of ___!!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Baaah bah bah...baah bah, bah bah bah

How are you all? Good, I hope. Me? I'm fine.

This weekend was fun. There are currently around 60 Mountain Dew cans and a few assorted Pepsi product bottles lying around my room. Me, Tyler, Josh, Brian, and my bro Devin (the usual crowd, sans Alex whom is now grounded for life ((since he wont EVER start doing his work in school)) for bad grades) played Brawl, Mario Kart : Double Dash!!, and a few other games. Quite the good time. I think we went to bed around 5:30ish this morning, and woke up between 11:00 and 12:00. I should probably brush my teeth.

All of these bottle caps are buy-one-get-one-free

Here's some good news. My dog Mea is back. Quick recap on where she went - my mom's boyfriend is an alcoholic asshole, and gets violent when he drinks. He's been kicked out before, but he always promises to change. A little sweet talking and *BAM*, he's back.

Well, last Sunday my mother let him drink again, as he said he'd "be good".... After he eventually broke the windshield of his beloved Camero, I called the cops. I thought it'd be the end of that douche, as my mom informed me that she was making him move out (a deed she had been supposedly wanting to do for a while now). I was all for it, except for the fact that he was Mea's owner... That means she'd have to leave as well.

A week went by, and I found it hard to get over not having a dog run up to you when you open the door after school like she did for over a year. Sure, I have another dog that IS owned by my mom. Her name is Zoey, and she is actually REALLY awesome. But, I still missed Mea.
Then, my mom let me know that "Mea is coming back tomorrow". Yes, that means Matt too... So, he's back, and I still hate him. I mean, it's at the point that if my mom and Matt even are yelling across the house to each other, Devin thinks they're fighting and starts freaking out. mom said, "No alcohol in the house ever again, or it's over for good." Pssh...wonder how long THAT will last...

But, enough with all that. You guys probably don't care about that at all; I just needed to rant.
That wasn't meant to be the main point of this blog, so let's get a move on.

Photoshop is still confusing. I'm getting better, but my photos still look like crap. Well, I get compliments from people who don't USE PS, but those whom do know that I'm just using amateur techniques and tweaked filters. I'll get better though, eventually.

Now, here's a list of random facts and opinions that I want to share with you guys, but aren't big enough to have their own topics. I think I'll start doing this every time. I'll call it this:

~Tre's F&Os~
  • Hers...tricia is ooober cool... just throwin that out there....anyways, as i was saying, Hershey's chocolate with Peanut Butter is delicious. Yeah, they sell it.
  • Sea Monkeys are dirty
  • Credit Cards are the root of all evil...or at least most evil.
  • I have two fuzzy pencils. I think they're velvet. WEEE!
  • Without the internet, I'd spell horribley.
  • Life is confusing.
  • I can't quite recall what the hell I was going to put in this section.
  • Gamecube controllers always break when in my room...and I need to buy a new one.
  • I also need to buy a good camera.
  • I need a job.
  • If I had a nice camera, I'd probably always have it with me.
  • The last four bullets could have been their own topic.
  • One day I'll have koolio day....

Well, I think that about covers stuff. Buh bye!

I miss summer.


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